It's over. It's really over. A huge part of me just wants to crawl up in a ball and cry. These three books took us on such a crazy adventure and now that adventure has come to a close. I grew to truly care about these characters. I wanted Christian to heal. I wanted Ana to stand up to him and help him grow. And I think I got both of those things.
I really didn't know what I was going to get with this final book, but I knew it was going to be more than sex. Don't worry, there's still plenty of that, but it's more. They aren't doing it out of carnal lust *mostly* but because they love each other. They have actually grown to deeply care for each other and let each other care.
Christian jumped from controlling Dominant to loving husband. He still made me plenty mad. I mean, he finds out the woman he loves is pregnant and he goes to Mrs. Robinson?! I was furious. Ana needed him and he went to her. Oh, talk about a twitching palm.
But then the phone call at the bank, Christian really thought she was leaving, and it broke my heart. Still, he deserved it for going to HER. Harsh, I know, but I don't care. I hate her. She hit on him after knowing he's happily married and having a child! I hate her. Hate her. Hate her.
I'm glad Ana broke down his walls. Only she could do it, and she did it well. Tough love all the way.
I didn't care for the Jack Hyde plot. I just didn't. I think the culprit should have been someone else involved in the story. It was just unnecessary.
I think that was just another loose end to the up.
I feel like that's what a lot of this book was. Tying up loose does. Leila, Elena, Ana working ~since this started with her graduation~ and Christian coming full circle from abused child to loving parent.